Large Loss Fire – Peacock Gap

Large Loss Fire – Peacock Gap

Large Loss Fire – Peacock Gap


This client had the misfortune of a house fire. The home sustained significant damage that required gutting of the entire house down to the studs. If you have ever had a large loss fire you know many people come at you with offers to “help”. This client showed the good wisdom to call my references who advised them to “trust that Mark knows how to deal with the Insurance Company and all other parties and will take very good care of you. He works for your interests not the insurance companies” The client trusted us, signed our Letter Of Intent that lead to our Design agreement and eventual settlement with the carrier.


As you can see this kitchen photo is the same as the before. We remodeled the entire home while working within the Insurance proceeds (Please don’t miss read this as the insurance company paid for improvement. They did not. We applied the “robbed Peter to pay Paul” principle to the client’s best interests).

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